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Priceless Clients

If you're ready to attract and close more high-end and high-value clients for your service business, this mini-course bundle was created just for you! In Priceless Clients, I'll share:

  • How you can boost your income from the same services you're already providing.

  • How to identify, attract, and close more of the clients you love working with most.

  • How our clients charge $10k, $20k, $50k, and even $100k+ for their services.

Instantly access this 1.5 hour mini-course designed to radically shift your reality:

What's a Priceless Client anyway?

If you own a service business, you already know:  not every high-end client is a good client to have. Sometimes the clients who are willing to pay well are also the most difficult. A Priceless Client is a client that's willing to pay industry-leading pricing AND is also joy to work with. If you want more of these types of clients, I've got you...

What's different about Priceless Clients?

Priceless Clients is the only freebie out there with the behind-the-scenes secrets you need to know in order to charge higher than industry-average pricing for the same services you're already providing. And when I say higher, not by a small amount: by a life-changing amount. Our techniques allow our clients to charge 3-10x more than industry average. Is there some work to do in order to get there? Sure! But, there are some tried-and-true methods that make the process much simpler than you may think.

This is not a random collection of replays that don't make sense together. We've spent hours upon hours curating this content as the first step into our world. And better still:

No hard pitches, no bait and switch, and no gate-keeping. This is the real deal.

With short, impactful, and easy-to-power-through videos, reference guides, and dedicated workbook, this mini-course bundle packs a punch, and could just change everything for your business in one afternoon.

What's included in Pricless Clients?

How our techniques allow our clients to close $10k-$100k+ contracts and commissions.

The impact high-end clients can have on your sales, profit, and personal income.

How Priceless Clients think and buy differently than average clients.

A high-level overview of your client  closing system and how to know what may need to shift.

How to identify your Priceless Clients and become a magnet for your favorite clients. 

The steps to take to make closing high-end Priceless Clients your everyday reality.

Hi, I'm

Erica Powell


At Erica Powell & Co., our mission is to help service business owners attain immeasurable financial success and joyful lifestyle they crave most. As a former platinum event planner and international publisher, my first hand experience attracting and closing high end clients gives me clarity about what consumers in the luxury market are looking for in a brand identity and messaging, web presence, and client experience. Teaching service entrepreneurs how to attract and close high value clients consistently is step one in our world. That's where all the fun begins.

And now, I want to give you access to my blueprint for attracting high-end clients for free! Come join us and see what our world is all about.

Priceless Clients is for high end service business owners in the events, home services, real estate, design, B2B services, coaching, and consulting industries. If you want to charge premium pricing for your services, this Masterclass Workshop is for you. Come join us!

“After working with Erica, my revenue has tripled over the previous year. My pricing is 3-4x what it used to be. My clients are all “dream clients.”



“In 5 weeks of working with Erica, I was able to increase my pricing and close a 106k contract. I am doing what I always dreamt about with my business.”





Why wait another day to begin attracting the clients you want to work with most? Whether you're newer in business or have a successful service business already, this free mini-course bundle will show you exactly how to attract your next level of clientele from wherever you are now. I'll be unlocking the same secrets that help our team and coaching clients close $10k, $20k, $50k, and even $100k+ contracts and commissions for our service businesses: consistently. Save your seat!

Have a question?

We're happy to answer! Email Sophia Quiros Silva, our Client Concierge: [email protected]